Why “UOIN”, the Union of Independent Nationalists, is an idea, a place for non-aligned nationalists to discuss their ideas, here in the UK this is necessary as non-aligned nationalists have no place. We are caught between two extremes, the populism espoused by the British National Party or the infighting of the others, neither of which aids nationalism. UOIN is a movement for change, a change in nationalist fortunes; we seek a return to correct nationalism not for us the populist route, steeped in treachery as it is. Nationalism must at its very core be racialist, quite simply because a nation is its people, the BNP refuse to advocate racially conscious nationalism, preferring supposed political success to recognition of simple fact. This is the first thing, we also recognise the detrimental role of international finance in our countries fortunes, we contest both capitalism and Marxism and we recognise the fact, that Semitic peoples can never be considered European. We do not however, propagate hate, nationalism believes in the right of all races and creeds, to live freely within their country of origin, under this agreement only those of Caucasian descent may live within the countries of Europe. Moreover, we seek a return to protectionism, with regard to industry, finance and related matters, for this reason we fight globalisation, believing it destroys the futures of all our children, whilst raping the planets resources. 
Leftist thought and ideology, has led to the gravest of crimes against humanity, for this reason the left must be fought in whichever applicable way, we must with the gravest urgency throw off the shackles of political correctness or more correctly cultural Marxism. We must constantly strive to thwart the coming global government, utilising all stratagems to do so, we must unite all nationalists in this coming fight, for failure to do so means certain servitude and misery for those to come. 

Posted byDVNFadmin at 12:00 0 comments