Sunday, 8 February 2009
It seems that this server has now been found and the forum is being constantly hit, we had a little time whereby such attacks were rare or did not occur, please could users be vigilant. The aim here is to infect this forum using bots, a large attack has the potential to create almost a DDos attack, a situation suffered by many forums, you will find occasionally that our forum does not load or you get an error-page, this is for two reasons the first is that our server has millions of users and at times there is immense traffic and also because bots continually attack the servers.
There is little we can do, save for banning IP range, because blocking the host name has little effect, they simply use a proxy IP, I have therefore decided that new accounts will be submitted to and for checking, in the hope we will not have to many false positives.
I would like to reassure users, that all is being done that is able to be, internet users are under attack no matter where on the internet they surf, it could be a gardening forum or a well known internet site, e-mails are constantly searched for and addresses attacked, all to aid evil-doers and destroy the internet. I would hope that users have adequate pc protection given that the attacks attempted at this site afflict the whole internet and not just here, malevolent HTML has been found to affect all types of sites many well-known and social net-working sites are or were heavily afflicted.
I would hope that users take advantage of our “Software, useful programmes, utilities and websites”section, here we endeavour to list useful software such as Ad-Aware, SpyBot Search and Destroy and Spyware Blaster. It is also worth looking at a good anti-virus some of which is listed although there are others and the list needs updating adding to, all in all it means extra vigilance by admin and perhaps some thought as to identifying genuine accounts, perhaps certain key-words during registration, user-names can be altered afterwards.
Hopefully users will take their internet security seriously, they will have up to date security running and will scan their machines often, this will present less of a threat to the forum and will help to cut down on attacks. Bots are not all bad for without them the internet would be a slower place, we use them here on this forum for instance to carry out tasks such as filtering or you use them when you play games online or perhaps more famously when using messenger, messenger relies almost wholly upon bots.
Bots patrol the internet they harvest information and use it to update information or index, this information permits users up to date access and faster page load speed, yet as in all things the human race has its unsavoury elements, individuals that wish to misuse good things to their own advantage. In our case we are targeted by spambots, these bots use home pc’s to distribute targeted spam or even randomised links, such links could lead to porn sites of the most disgusting variety or even to phising sites designed to fool web-users.
They work because home-users do not take home pc security seriously, in fact many machines here in the UK are infected already, allowing criminals to attack forums such as ours remotely, the aim of course is to harvest new addresses in order to capture new machines/Zombies, or in the case of our last forum to bring it to its knees. I can never understand why ISP’s permit hackers, spammers and their ilk to use their services, knowing that their actions are illegal, immoral and exploitative, perhaps though as many acquaintances have said “security companies earn their bread by combating such individuals”, perhaps then there is no monetary impulse to completely destroy them.
So could users please use adequate security software, much of which is free and listed on the forum, thank you for your time admin
There is little we can do, save for banning IP range, because blocking the host name has little effect, they simply use a proxy IP, I have therefore decided that new accounts will be submitted to and for checking, in the hope we will not have to many false positives.
I would like to reassure users, that all is being done that is able to be, internet users are under attack no matter where on the internet they surf, it could be a gardening forum or a well known internet site, e-mails are constantly searched for and addresses attacked, all to aid evil-doers and destroy the internet. I would hope that users have adequate pc protection given that the attacks attempted at this site afflict the whole internet and not just here, malevolent HTML has been found to affect all types of sites many well-known and social net-working sites are or were heavily afflicted.
I would hope that users take advantage of our “Software, useful programmes, utilities and websites”section, here we endeavour to list useful software such as Ad-Aware, SpyBot Search and Destroy and Spyware Blaster. It is also worth looking at a good anti-virus some of which is listed although there are others and the list needs updating adding to, all in all it means extra vigilance by admin and perhaps some thought as to identifying genuine accounts, perhaps certain key-words during registration, user-names can be altered afterwards.
Hopefully users will take their internet security seriously, they will have up to date security running and will scan their machines often, this will present less of a threat to the forum and will help to cut down on attacks. Bots are not all bad for without them the internet would be a slower place, we use them here on this forum for instance to carry out tasks such as filtering or you use them when you play games online or perhaps more famously when using messenger, messenger relies almost wholly upon bots.
Bots patrol the internet they harvest information and use it to update information or index, this information permits users up to date access and faster page load speed, yet as in all things the human race has its unsavoury elements, individuals that wish to misuse good things to their own advantage. In our case we are targeted by spambots, these bots use home pc’s to distribute targeted spam or even randomised links, such links could lead to porn sites of the most disgusting variety or even to phising sites designed to fool web-users.
They work because home-users do not take home pc security seriously, in fact many machines here in the UK are infected already, allowing criminals to attack forums such as ours remotely, the aim of course is to harvest new addresses in order to capture new machines/Zombies, or in the case of our last forum to bring it to its knees. I can never understand why ISP’s permit hackers, spammers and their ilk to use their services, knowing that their actions are illegal, immoral and exploitative, perhaps though as many acquaintances have said “security companies earn their bread by combating such individuals”, perhaps then there is no monetary impulse to completely destroy them.
So could users please use adequate security software, much of which is free and listed on the forum, thank you for your time admin
Posted byDVNFadmin at 10:47 0 comments
Incidence Map Project ©
Monday, 5 January 2009
Welcome to the Incidence Map Project © a series of interactive maps, highlighting some of the detrimental affects of non-white immigration, we hope that the information presented here, opens your mind as to the damaging affects such a policy has had and continues to have upon the indigenous people of this country. This map is merely the tip of the iceberg not covering, the multiple acts of violence, or the unreported offences that occur on a daily basis against native peoples, many would argue that murder occurs within all communities as does all crime, however, the crimes covered by this map may never have occurred, were it not for really quite deplorable government policy.
Government policy since the early 1950’s has meant almost unfettered immigration, immigration of wholly dissimilar peoples detrimental to the social makeup of this country, such a policy has led to a quite appalling breakdown in social cohesiveness, until we have reached the point we are at today,enforcement via draconian legislation, wholly against the wishes of the majority. One wonders just why any government would intentionally swamp its native peoples, knowing full well the disadvantages it would bring, the future it heralds and the myriad clashes inevitable under such circumstance.
Coupled with such a disastrous policy of course, has been the rise of leftist thought especially in areas such as academia, the arts and media, all of which help to stoke up already simmering tension. Leftist ideology has no care for tradition, no care for native peoples of any description; it simply strives to push through its agenda in any circumstance. Part of that agenda involves the trashing of native culture and tradition, in fact anything that holds a people together; it is not our role here today to go into such issues. They being covered upon other sites, weblogs and in fact upon most sites connected with UOIN, today we concern ourselves with the basics.
Leftist education holds that the west has committed great evil, it endeavours to paint white western civilisation as wholly evil without going into honest detail, a consequence of this is non-white hatred for the white man or at least his civilisation, great anger is felt towards white society, white civilisation and institutions, anger that.... more
Government policy since the early 1950’s has meant almost unfettered immigration, immigration of wholly dissimilar peoples detrimental to the social makeup of this country, such a policy has led to a quite appalling breakdown in social cohesiveness, until we have reached the point we are at today,enforcement via draconian legislation, wholly against the wishes of the majority. One wonders just why any government would intentionally swamp its native peoples, knowing full well the disadvantages it would bring, the future it heralds and the myriad clashes inevitable under such circumstance.
Coupled with such a disastrous policy of course, has been the rise of leftist thought especially in areas such as academia, the arts and media, all of which help to stoke up already simmering tension. Leftist ideology has no care for tradition, no care for native peoples of any description; it simply strives to push through its agenda in any circumstance. Part of that agenda involves the trashing of native culture and tradition, in fact anything that holds a people together; it is not our role here today to go into such issues. They being covered upon other sites, weblogs and in fact upon most sites connected with UOIN, today we concern ourselves with the basics.
Leftist education holds that the west has committed great evil, it endeavours to paint white western civilisation as wholly evil without going into honest detail, a consequence of this is non-white hatred for the white man or at least his civilisation, great anger is felt towards white society, white civilisation and institutions, anger that.... more
Posted byDVNFadmin at 09:37 0 comments
incidence map project now online
Sunday, 28 December 2008
The incidence map project is now online, has its own blog and is here to view, we need information all the time to carry on with it, so any info helpful, thanks hope you all had a happy Christmas.
Posted byDVNFadmin at 12:55 0 comments
Labels: incidence map project
Sunday, 23 November 2008
DVNF is currently suffering from server overload, this will cause a SQL Error, meaning that access to the forum is extremely limited, we do not know presently whether this is due to just traffic or in fact a cyber attack, please bear with us.
Posted byDVNFadmin at 17:21 0 comments
BNP membership List
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Regrettably the list is out, one can only hope it doesn’t cause problems for members and affiliates on the list, we are constantly updated regarding leftist activity and that of others, perhaps one day we may find that one smidgeon of information that can set the ball rolling. Sites such as proximity search present minimum danger, given that the list has been torrented and highlighted by national newspapers, I’m afraid that there is just no way of re-gaining the information. I am hearing small voices that inform me, that perhaps this is a more professional job than first supposed, certainly it puts off potential new members, although for those on the list it may act to galvanise them, an attitude of, “oh well they know my name now, I’ve nothing to lose”. Currently I know not what to believe, I am dismayed at Mr Griffins attitude and that of some supporters however, that in itself is no reason to place him or the leadership under suspicion.
Certainly I do not believe that the Decembrists caused this leak, at least knowingly, it is a foolhardy act and certainly the perpetrators would be marked, the infiltrator scenario can and does suggest state and I am more inclined to lean in this direction, Anti-fascists, although a tool of the state are a blunt tool, their worth is in intimidation, be it by protests or sometimes quite rarely, by physical violence. Watching the scenario, I am led to the one conclusion I can make, state involvement, yet even this I am unsure about, given that the state has an array of tools at their disposal, perhaps they thought to stem the growth of the party, strike fear into the membership and indeed potential joiners however, this supposition falls flat, given that BNP support is mostly shown by voting and this action does not attack that.
Yet still I am drawn to the state hypothesise, perhaps this is merely another tool utilised when needed, such as to cripple membership and morale before the European elections, a flimsy argument at best. The main problem I belief for the state was and is the take up rate of right-wing thinking within C2 working class communities, that is to say the skilled working class, also C1 social classes, the lower middle class such as junior managerial workers and administrative/professionals who were also showing acute signs of rightists leanings, this in turn had led to a slight increase in B class social grades showing interest.
Should rightist thinking infuse such individuals then the battle is won, no amount of state intervention can then prevail, the only recourse is tyranny, state oppression, this of course costs money, upsets the balance of economic power and sets a precedent for other countries, this therefore cannot be permitted. So therefore the state must use perhaps its most potent weapon, the fear of a loss of livelihood, for B,C1,C2 and D classes such a condition is seen as a calamity and such individuals are prone to think family first above and beyond people, therefore if the classifications mentioned above could be sent running in fear away from rightist politics then the job is done.
Certainly regardless of BNP propaganda it is unlikely that the leak of this list has prompted many new membership enquiries, although I should imagine they beg to differ, at a stroke this action seals the common ground that was developing between the D, C2, social classes and those above them. Now it is rather like the private school child watching the state school child walk to school bare-footed ,feeling empathy and yet unable or unwilling to help, for fear of detriment to themselves.
Whoever has leaked this list, be it the BNP themselves, disgruntled ex-members, the state, Anti-fascists/leftists, whoever have, at least for now placed a nail in nationalisms coffin, at least here in the UK. Timed with the election of Mr Obama in the states, the proposal to limit funds to elected parties in Germany, the death of Mr Haider then it is easy to determine that the right is in dire straits.
We may disagree with BNP direction however, this leak is an attack upon nationalism generally, therefore we must show solidarity with “outed” members and until intelligence or commonsense tells us differently, support both the rank and file and indeed the leadership, Ideological differences aside we are all nationalists. UOIN
Certainly I do not believe that the Decembrists caused this leak, at least knowingly, it is a foolhardy act and certainly the perpetrators would be marked, the infiltrator scenario can and does suggest state and I am more inclined to lean in this direction, Anti-fascists, although a tool of the state are a blunt tool, their worth is in intimidation, be it by protests or sometimes quite rarely, by physical violence. Watching the scenario, I am led to the one conclusion I can make, state involvement, yet even this I am unsure about, given that the state has an array of tools at their disposal, perhaps they thought to stem the growth of the party, strike fear into the membership and indeed potential joiners however, this supposition falls flat, given that BNP support is mostly shown by voting and this action does not attack that.
Yet still I am drawn to the state hypothesise, perhaps this is merely another tool utilised when needed, such as to cripple membership and morale before the European elections, a flimsy argument at best. The main problem I belief for the state was and is the take up rate of right-wing thinking within C2 working class communities, that is to say the skilled working class, also C1 social classes, the lower middle class such as junior managerial workers and administrative/professionals who were also showing acute signs of rightists leanings, this in turn had led to a slight increase in B class social grades showing interest.
Should rightist thinking infuse such individuals then the battle is won, no amount of state intervention can then prevail, the only recourse is tyranny, state oppression, this of course costs money, upsets the balance of economic power and sets a precedent for other countries, this therefore cannot be permitted. So therefore the state must use perhaps its most potent weapon, the fear of a loss of livelihood, for B,C1,C2 and D classes such a condition is seen as a calamity and such individuals are prone to think family first above and beyond people, therefore if the classifications mentioned above could be sent running in fear away from rightist politics then the job is done.
Certainly regardless of BNP propaganda it is unlikely that the leak of this list has prompted many new membership enquiries, although I should imagine they beg to differ, at a stroke this action seals the common ground that was developing between the D, C2, social classes and those above them. Now it is rather like the private school child watching the state school child walk to school bare-footed ,feeling empathy and yet unable or unwilling to help, for fear of detriment to themselves.
Whoever has leaked this list, be it the BNP themselves, disgruntled ex-members, the state, Anti-fascists/leftists, whoever have, at least for now placed a nail in nationalisms coffin, at least here in the UK. Timed with the election of Mr Obama in the states, the proposal to limit funds to elected parties in Germany, the death of Mr Haider then it is easy to determine that the right is in dire straits.
We may disagree with BNP direction however, this leak is an attack upon nationalism generally, therefore we must show solidarity with “outed” members and until intelligence or commonsense tells us differently, support both the rank and file and indeed the leadership, Ideological differences aside we are all nationalists. UOIN
Posted byDVNFadmin at 14:56 0 comments
Labels: BNP list, BNP membership
DVNF back online
Saturday, 27 September 2008
Dissenting Voices Nationalist Forum It has been decided to reinstate Dissenting Voices Nationalist Forum if you don’t use it you don’t use it its there for nationalists. We don’t follow populism and we don’t follow any particular party we are independent nationalists.
Thanks to the sites who have displayed the UOIN celtic cross with laurels any others wishing to do so may copy the code below or in the sidebar thanks.
Proud of Being A White Nationalist, display it on Your Website or Blog, copy the code in the box below, head over to dashboard, Layouts, Add Gadget, HTML/Javascript , paste the code, save and your done. We ask that the link to Union of Independent Nationalists be Kept.
Thanks to the sites who have displayed the UOIN celtic cross with laurels any others wishing to do so may copy the code below or in the sidebar thanks.
Proud of Being A White Nationalist, display it on Your Website or Blog, copy the code in the box below, head over to dashboard, Layouts, Add Gadget, HTML/Javascript , paste the code, save and your done. We ask that the link to Union of Independent Nationalists be Kept.
Posted byDVNFadmin at 07:32 0 comments
Labels: Union of Independent Nationalists, White Nationalism
Tory warning on multiculturalism

British multiculturalism has left a "terrible" legacy which has allowed extremists to flourish, shadow home secretary Dominic Grieve has warned.
A type of "cultural despair" has led "long-term inhabitants" and newer arrivals to feel alienated and unsure of UK values, he told the Guardian.
Mr Grieve, speaking on the eve of the Conservative Party conference, argued this had led to support for extremism.
He also warned against downplaying Britain's Christian heritage.
Mr Grieve told the Guardian: "We've actually done something terrible to ourselves in Britain.
"In the name of trying to prepare people for some new multicultural society we've encouraged people, particularly the sort of long-term inhabitants, to say 'well your cultural background isn't really very important'."
'Huge damage'
The vacuum created by multiculturalism has encouraged support for extremists on both sides, he argues.
The shadow home secretary went on to say multiculturalism was inspired by the "understandable" desire to make people feel comfortable.
But he added: "The idea behind it was [to] create the melting pot. But the melting pot needs the ingredients of people's confidence in themselves as they come together. And if it isn't there I think we've done ourselves huge damage."
Mr Grieve also said the part played by Christianity in Britain should not be ignored.
"The role of Christianity is really rather important. It can't just be magicked out of the script. It colours many of the fundamental viewpoints of British people, including many who've never been in a church."
'Outdated' policy
It is not the first time a Tory home secretary has spoken out against multiculturalism.
In 2005, the then shadow home secretary David Davis called on the government to scrap the "outdated" policy, saying that allowing people of different cultures to settle without integrating let the "perverted values of suicide bombers" take root.
Mr Davis said he agreed with Trevor Phillips, the chairman of the then Commission for Racial Equality, who a year earlier argued multiculturalism belonged to a different era.
Mr Phillips said all citizens should "assert a core of Britishness". source
Are you gonna believe them again the CONservatives this bunch of liars and crooks in hock with the bankers. Enough start repatriation now!!
Posted byDVNFadmin at 07:17 0 comments
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